
Welcome to the MICA Animation Dept. Exhibitons blog, a great way to keep up with the happenings of the department, hear about events, and view work from past and present shows. Let's show off our work and beautify our walls!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Post!

Exhibitions will be starting next semester! I think we're going to kick off the semester with a pre-production show, featuring character design and storyboard work. However, I've put up a poll to get everyone's opinion, so please voice your thoughts and post ideas for other themes that you'd like to see. Also, I'd love to have more people help out with this so we can get a wider range of opinions and work.

1 comment:

  1. i think that this is a great idea, we should start asking people what they can get ready to put up.

    When do you think we would set it up?

    Should/could we get Parkhurst to cater the 'opening?'
